Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka - A Magical island off the southern tip of India, Sri Lanka is encircled by over a thousand miles of beautiful palm fringed, warm, sun-kissed beaches , lovely bays and natural harbours. The land surface rises in a series of steps through cities and villages, lush paddy fields and thick jungles, towards beautifully landscaped, cool, mist-shrouded mountains in the south central part of the island. Covering an area of 64,652 square miles, its pear-shaped formation has been called “India’s teardrop“.

Sri Lanka is a small country but offers great internal variety with diversity of climate, culture and landscape within small timeframes of travel. A rich ancient history of over 2500 years formed a culture steeped with myth, legend and folklore.

In Sri Lanka, we give you every opportunity to look into the heart of the country, feel the music of their culture and experience their legendary warm hospitality and smiling people who beckon you to their beautiful island in the Indian Ocean.

Key Facts – Sri Lanka

•  Capital : Colombo
•  Population
: 20 Million (Approx)
•  Time difference
: +5:30 GMT
•  Currency : Sri Lankan Rupee
•  Official Language(s)
: Sinhala & Tamil
•  Visa
: Visa required (Except for Indian Nationals)