UAE - Dubai

Dubai is situated on the Persian Gulf. It is the capital city of the UAE, of all the cities in the UAE, Dubai is the most cosmopolitan. Its economic growth and great ease of living invite many people from across different countries and backgrounds to work or travel here and it welcomes and embraces them all.
It is an international marvel where the best of the east and west come together to make it a land of man-made wonders, old history, a rich blend of cultures with a truly cosmopolitan aura. Think of it – the world’s tallest building, the world’s largest indoor theme park, a choice of beaches, tall palm trees on coasts of sleek skyscrapers, a souk that sells gold wash-basins, it is indeed a heady experience.

Key Facts – Dubai

•  Capital : Dubai
•  Time Difference
: India is 1.5 hrs ahead of Dubai
•  Population
: 2.6 Million(approx.)
•  Currency
: Dirham
•  Languages(s)
: Official- Arabic
•  Visa (Indian National)
: Visa required
•  Climate
: May to Sep- Hot & Humid in Summer
Oct to Apr : The winter of UAE - with quite mild temperature