
Indonesia is a vast nation consisting of thousands of islands stretching across the Indian Ocean to the eastern edge of the Asian continental plate and the western edge of the Pacific Ocean. This geography dictates the ebb and flow of life in Indonesia and contributes to its astounding natural and cultural diversity. This is a land of active volcanoes, distinguished beaches, mountains, lakes, varied culture and traditions.

Key Facts – Indonesia

•  Capital : Jakarta
•  Time Difference
: Indonesia is 2.5 hrs ahead of India
•  Population
: 265 Million
•  Currency : Indonesia Rupiah(IDH)
•  Languages(s)
: Bhasa, Javanese, Sundanese and Madurese
•  Visa (Indian National)
: Stamping on Arrival
•  Climate
: Day time: approx. 30 degree and night time approx. 23 degree C